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Wall Street

Private Equity &  Venture Capital 

In PE and VC, the value is created where unconventional perception of the market boundaries are relentlessly inquisitive and innovation is embedded in the nature of the business. Primarily, the strategic objective is to buy undervalued target firms, with the potential to turnaround, grow and develop, in order to capitalize on equity in 2 -5 years with maximum EBITDA multiply. This is where commercial due diligence is critical to assess company for acquisition, assess potential ROIC, and payback period and prepare company valuation. The unique value proposition combine use of AI tools and reliable databased for trusted source of DD reports. 

Financial Sector

Todays financial sector cover traditional and non-traditional businesses, combining banking sector with latest Fintech solutions, allowing replacement of legacy systems into latest innovations, building end to customer centered strategies. We follow latest industry trends to enable growth in highly competitive market, allowing you customer acquisition strategies and enable customer friendly journey by using you organisation products & services.

Image by Austin Distel

Public Sector

Integrated public sector services for the national growth of economic development, allows countries to grow and develop. Thinking through end to end customer journey of public sector services is critical. Sovereign wealth funds emphasis the need for grow in Cultural & Healthcare, development in Economical activities and Attracting foreign investment. Without end to end strategies, and building integrated, customer centric services, those objectives cannot be achieved. 


Traditional technology providers tries to navigate in the inflow of innovations on the market, and adhere to needs across industries, today more than ever a holistic long term technology and digital transformation strategy is key to win the market and limit the investment costs. Large cloud providers compete on the data storage commodity market, where data analytics & AI create real customer value. Technology firms must understand that minimal profit margins war on data storage unit will not define the winning strategy. Firms must offer to the customers more than efficient ERP systems, allowing basic operational efficiency, the legacy systems must integrate latest innovations to build higher willingness to pay. When the organic growth is not possible, M&A of more agile organisations may be the key to success.

Monitoring Room

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